Oh hai there!
✿ ͡◕ ᴗ◕)つ━━✫・*。Welcome friend! After I got homesick for the old internet I decided to come back home! Here I express myself and aim to create a safe place for other neurodiverse folk who just want to be themselves. Have a look around!

22/11/23Created some stamps - event horizon telescope homage and my first anime one - Violet Evergarden.
Hello world! After a failed medical procedure and a successful one I am back functioning (as much as one can be when autistic) as a semi-human again! Excited to be feeling normal again - haha who am I kidding ;]
Haven't updated in a while. I've been in hospital on morphine and so not entirely on this planet ^^; I've written a couple of personal poems for friends and family that I won't be sharing, but I'm hoping to do some more art as I get better <3
Added an autism stamp :)
Created fifth element and kipo stamps!
Created some simple backgrounds.
Added a bucket list and some more links to the head help page :)
New poem 'The way behind'! Inspired by a beautiful quote I found on antikrist's site.
Started collecting some pixel cliques and made a lava lamp for the lava lounge!
Made a links page and rejigged a few bits. Also added a stop animations button to the collections page!
Made a lil kitty dude for Kitty Friends Pixel Club! His favourite colour is blue =^.^=
I'm part of the SoHo neo cities neighbourhood woo :D Went on a blob collecting rampage lol. The footer and nav are now JS includes.
Made some cute pixel robots!
Collecting, making some more stamps, working on some more goodies ^_^
Made some spacey James Webb stamps!
Um hello, new shrines page with a Fifth Element shrine who dis! Had so much fun making it!
Made my first stamp :3 I hope someone somewhere likes it. A reminder to myself and you to just breathe. Also organised my images and rejigged layout.
Yay I'm in the autist online web ring!!! >< Added fifth element stones pixels! Mostly happy with them, might redo if I improve. Also coded random facts and added some films to about page.
Added mental health help page, todo list, rejigged layout and nav menu, cliques, as always more poems.
New button and applied to the Autist's online webring eek!
Created star backgroud and updated theme colours, much happier. Now my button looks muddy -_-. Ah well I'm relearning pixel art and how colours work so I guess I'll be redoing everything until I find what I like!
Think I'm ready to publish!!!!
First draft of site is nearly ready! Finished my animated button and typed up a butt load of poems.